Welcome to Kinetico Export; World-leading water softening and filtration solutions for commercial and residential customers
Kinetico Premier Compact
Water softener
Kinetico’s Premier Compact with e-max technology combines e-max technology combines maximum performance and eco-efficiency in a compact efficiency in a compact design that provides the ultimate in soft water.
Fine Mesh compact resin The double bottle of Kinetico Premier descalers are made with Fine Mesh resins, which allows better retention of lime and low consumption of water and salt during regeneration.
One of the smallest water softeners smallest water softeners on the market: the Premier Compact can be easily installed in the smallest smallest smallest spaces. Only a double-bottle bottle design can guarantee a continuous supply of soft water throughout the day. The most effective method for removing calcium and magnesium from hard water.
Kinetico’s block salt offers convenient storage, handling and convenient storage, handling and loading, and is supplied in sturdy, easy-to-use plastic bags that are strong and easy to easy to transport.